
Download softether vpn client manager windows 7
Download softether vpn client manager windows 7

Next need to add the executable bit to the init script and start it for the first time in the old fashion way and then enable it it with systemd to start at every boot. # Description: Enable Softether by daemon. # Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time So run vi /etc/init.d/vpnserver and make paste this script. Next wee need to make init script for softether, as one is not included into the install. wget tar xzvf softether-vpnserver-v4.20-960.04.17-linux-圆 -C /usr/localĬompile will ask you three questions at the end, you need to answer all with 1. We will use 4.20 version of Softether which is in the time of writing newest rtm version. Next we need to cd to /usr/src, download the Softether, unpack it and compile it. Of those two batches of commands, one will error because you are not running two firewalls. The firewall rules will be set after all is configured systemctl disable firewalld After the server boots up, disable both firewalls because they can interfere with testing. Sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/configĪfter this reboot the computer so selinux stop and new kernel start if update had any new kernel.

Download softether vpn client manager windows 7 install#

Yum -y install gcc zlib-devel openssl-devel readline-devel ncurses-devel wget tar dnsmasq net-tools iptables-services system-config-firewall-tui nano iptables-services

download softether vpn client manager windows 7

We are going to use only Linux and no GUIs here, so lets start. In the beginning, lets update the system, install dependencies and disable SElinux yum update That may be the reason why it is so Windows oriented, the configuration GUI is windows only and connecting from Linux clients requires extra work. Softether have long been proprietary product under name PacketX and it has been open sourced just several years ago. Choice of open source VPN packages is long but today we decided to try Softether coming from University of Tsukuba in Japan. Setting up your own virtual private network server is a good way to evade blockage and be able to access sites that are blocked in your country.

Download softether vpn client manager windows 7